Burning Firepit

Wayne Seasoned Wood

Enhance your fireside experience with Deeke’s Wayne seasoned wood. Our firewood has been aged with utmost care, guaranteeing a dryness that will make your fires burn effortlessly and efficiently. It’s time to level up your firewood and savor the delightful outcome, whether unwinding next to a crackling fire or cooking a delicious meal for friends and family.

Our Seasoning Process


We use ethically sourced wood from our friends at Abbott Tree Care.

Cut and Split

Split logs have more surface area, helping the wood dry more evenly.


Proper firewood stacking allows air to circulate around the wood.


Our wood is left to dry naturally in the open air for months on end.

Store and Burn

Once the wood is dried, it’s ready to be stored or used for burning.

Wayne Firewood Delivery

Get high-quality firewood delivered right to your door. Schedule your delivery now.

Seasoned vs.
Unseasoned Wood

  • Easier to light
  • Produces less smoke
  • Generates higher heat output
  • Burns longer
  • Use fewer logs
  • Creates a more aromatic fire
  • Produces cleaner ash
  • Minimizes risk of chimney fires
Firewood in Log Holder
Close Up of Person Holding Firewood

Cooking with
Seasoned Wood

Get ready to elevate your favorite dishes with Deeke’s Wayne seasoned wood. Say goodbye to bland flavors and hello to a mouthwatering, smoky taste that will keep you coming back for more. We take quality seriously, so our firewood undergoes a meticulous drying process for over six months. The result? A lower moisture content guarantees a superior burn. Trust us; this is the secret ingredient to take your culinary creations to the next level.

When our wood has less moisture, it lights up effortlessly and produces a higher temperature, giving you a cleaner fire and ensuring even cooking temperatures. Forget about that unpleasant burnt taste or dull dishes on your grill, and get ready to explore a world of mouthwatering options with Deeke’s Wayne seasoned wood.

Our Seasoned Firewood


  • Produces superior heat with little smoke
  • Throws very few sparks and ideal for fireplaces


  • Produces rich and fruity fragrance when burned

  • A favorite for campfires, barbeques, and meat smokers


  • An assortment of hardwoods native to Illinois
  • Our most economical firewood option

Our Mixed Hardwood can include Cherry, Oak, Hard Maple, Locust, and Ash

When dealing with freshly cut or fallen wood, also known as green wood, it usually holds about 50 percent of its weight in moisture. This makes it less than ideal for burning for a few reasons. First, the high moisture content makes it tricky to start and keep the fire going. Plus, green wood doesn’t have the delicious smoky flavor seasoned wood brings. On top of that, it can put a damper on the fire’s temperature. So, it’s best to let that wood dry out before tossing it into the fire.

Seasoned Firewood Stacking

Stacking firewood correctly is essential for it to cure quickly, stay dry, and have a longer lifespan compared to simply piling it up. When you receive your delivery, our team will be happy to stack the wood wherever you prefer, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. Don’t hesitate to book your Wayne firewood delivery and get it expertly stacked right away.